Today I'm really excited to show you guys our vintage comic book decor for our boys' playroom! It was realllllly inexpensive and super awesome!
Check it out!
All you need is:
• Black Document Frames from the Dollar Store (when you are doing so many, anything more than $1 starts getting pr
• Black cardstock
• Comic Books
We simply cut the cardstock to fit perfectly in the frame. Then, we sprayed the cardstock with adhesive and placed the comic book in the very center of the page. Let it dry for a bit, and then place your comic book page into the frame!
The best part?! This project cost about $15! Pretty inexpensive, and covers a whole wall with awesome art!
Here's the breakdown:
$12 for the frames
~$3 for the black cardstock
Comic books were FREE! (From storage...)
What do y'all think? Let me know in the comments below!
And keep an eye out for some vintage comics to go live in my Etsy shop!