I had an awesome day today!!! Wanna know why?!
Colton (the 2-year old) decided to potty train himself today!!! :) Y'all, I'm thrilled!
Potty training is the single-most frustrating part of parenthood that I have experienced thus far...
With our first, I tried to start potty-training around the time he turned 2 and it was just awful. We went out and bought big-boy undies, we tried sticker charts and rewards, we would get super excited every time he went potty in the toilet, we tried everything and none of it worked. :( We had accidents all. the. time. (And dealing with pooped-in underwear and shorts is so not cool... A thousand times worse than diapers.)
I finally gave up, and just gave it some time. Every few months we would try again, to no avail. Finally, around 3 years old, he seemed more interested and decided that he wanted to start using the potty. (Hooray!!!) By the time he was 3 1/2, we weren't having any more accidents! (Until baby came along a few months ago, but I think we are finally getting back to normal again!)
At this point, I just realized that potty training is something that a child has to just want to do. It's like the saying, "You can't help people who won't help themselves." Well, you can't potty train a child that just doesn't want to be potty-trained! You don't know when they need to go, and even if you set a timer and take them every 30 minutes (which I tried...) they will inevitably poop their pants at the 15-minute mark. :/
So, you just have to be patient... Keep calm and clean up the poop for the bajillionth time. ;) And know that, more than likely, they aren't still going to be pooping their pants by the time they go to kindergarten.
This time around, I wasn't even planning to start potty-training until at least 2 1/2 but figured it would be 3 or older until we really hit that mark again. I have been preparing myself for diapers for a long time coming, and have been trying to mentally prepare for the extreme frustration that comes with potty training.
So, this morning was a complete surprise!!! He told me he had to go, I put him on the toilet and he did it! Y'all, I flipped out! I danced and went crazy and told him how awesome he was! :) (He loved that!) And, he did it like 3 more times today! (We did have one accident, but hey, I'll take it for day 1 of potty training. Especially when he initiated himself!)
So, yep, today was a BIG WIN for this Mama and I just had to share! ;)
What big wins have you experienced lately?!
Colton (the 2-year old) decided to potty train himself today!!! :) Y'all, I'm thrilled!
Potty training is the single-most frustrating part of parenthood that I have experienced thus far...
With our first, I tried to start potty-training around the time he turned 2 and it was just awful. We went out and bought big-boy undies, we tried sticker charts and rewards, we would get super excited every time he went potty in the toilet, we tried everything and none of it worked. :( We had accidents all. the. time. (And dealing with pooped-in underwear and shorts is so not cool... A thousand times worse than diapers.)
I finally gave up, and just gave it some time. Every few months we would try again, to no avail. Finally, around 3 years old, he seemed more interested and decided that he wanted to start using the potty. (Hooray!!!) By the time he was 3 1/2, we weren't having any more accidents! (Until baby came along a few months ago, but I think we are finally getting back to normal again!)
At this point, I just realized that potty training is something that a child has to just want to do. It's like the saying, "You can't help people who won't help themselves." Well, you can't potty train a child that just doesn't want to be potty-trained! You don't know when they need to go, and even if you set a timer and take them every 30 minutes (which I tried...) they will inevitably poop their pants at the 15-minute mark. :/
So, you just have to be patient... Keep calm and clean up the poop for the bajillionth time. ;) And know that, more than likely, they aren't still going to be pooping their pants by the time they go to kindergarten.
This time around, I wasn't even planning to start potty-training until at least 2 1/2 but figured it would be 3 or older until we really hit that mark again. I have been preparing myself for diapers for a long time coming, and have been trying to mentally prepare for the extreme frustration that comes with potty training.
So, this morning was a complete surprise!!! He told me he had to go, I put him on the toilet and he did it! Y'all, I flipped out! I danced and went crazy and told him how awesome he was! :) (He loved that!) And, he did it like 3 more times today! (We did have one accident, but hey, I'll take it for day 1 of potty training. Especially when he initiated himself!)
So, yep, today was a BIG WIN for this Mama and I just had to share! ;)
What big wins have you experienced lately?!